Monday, October 11, 2010

Jan Dagley asks is there such a thing as healthy smoking?

What could you do with an extra $86,000 or as much as $183,000? 

Would you take some vacations? add onto your house or maybe put a good amount down on the purchase of a vacation house, buy several new vehicles? school shopping for several years, and help someone through college, buy or do something  you have been dreaming of for years... I am sure there are as many answers as there are people reading this. Now you  might be saying where would I come up with that kind of money?! Some may be thinking this is probably another one of those schemes that takes your money and you get nothing for it. 

That is a lot of money!!! 

Well this is not some get rich quick scheme boasting about that amount of money. Rather it comes from the prestigious Duke University. It Is a quite startling statement to me:

"A 24 year old woman smoker will spend an average of $86,000 over a lifetime on cigs; a 24 year old male smoker will spend $183,000". ~Duke Univ.

Most people do not smoke alone so when you start adding up the costs, just for a man and woman together, it is $269,000.00. In most places that is a pretty nice house. or a totally great car or ten $26,000.00 cars.  The list goes on and on and on.....

 Another  interesting fact is that according to the Department of the Treasury smoking related injury, damage and economic costs exceed  130 billion annually.

That leads me to the deduction that if for no other reason than your wealth factor, it would make sense to work on quitting smoking. Smoking is probably THE hardest habit to quit next to eating of course. You CAN feasiby  live without smoking but for some reason your body thinks it  needs nutrition to thrive.

Our children's health (AND future wealth)  are at the greatest risk because not only do they ingest the second and third hand smoke, they are likely to start smoking cigarettes themselves as they get older thus spending the money that could have been invested in their  future.

This lead me to do some research on options to help quit smoking. There are numerous options available. For this post however I am focusing on one of the most amazing things I have seen... the smokeless cigarette. Click Greensmoke  to find one option to help protect your child's health and likely improve your own while you are at it.

Thank you for visiting my health and wealth opportunities blog. I hope to hear from  you when you have tried the electronic cigarettes, so people can read more results. I have never smoked so I can't test it out for myself but I am strongly considering buying some for my friend. (more on that later)

Once again Thanks and I hope you have a good day!

Jan Dagley

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